Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc
Leaders in Pharmacy, Excellence in Life
Alumni Chair Platforms
Neha Patel
“One for all, all for one”. This phrase could not sum up my pledging experience any more. From the moment that I was accepted into University of Illinois College of Pharmacy, I knew that Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Inc. was an organization that I wanted to be apart of. I was fortunate enough to watch my older sister go through Pharmacy school. A pivotal portion of her experience had to do with the lifelong bonds she made with her Kappa Psi Brothers. Those were the bonds that I wanted to form. Early on through pledging I saw the importance of staying connected with other pharmacists, especially the alumni Brothers of Kappa Psi. Through events like the Alumni Mixer, I was able to network and speak with many alumni regarding their pharmacy experience. Many of the alumni that attended were also various faculty members. Being able to talk to professors and connect with them on a deeper level was a humbling experience because of our mutual involvement with Kappa Psi. I hope to further these professional interactions if I am elected as Chi Chapter’s Alumni Chair. I will represent this chapter, while encouraging alumni Brothers to stay involved with our chapter. We are lucky to be studying at a pharmacy school in a major city where we have brotherly connections so close. I plan to expand our alumni network to Brothers that are currently practicing Pharmacy in this area.
Quickly enough I applied to be apart of this Pharmaceutical Fraternity where I began my lifelong journey as a Brother of Kappa Psi. Originally I had wanted to be Pledge Class Secretary but when nobody volunteered to take on the position as Pledge Class Treasurer, I immediately stood up for our Sigma class. To be honest, I was greatly intimidated by taking on this role. Thankfully, I received a large amount of support and encouragement from my pledge class and various Brothers. This pledge class position makes me qualified for the Alumni Chair position because it helped me manage my time better, learn to work in a close-knit team of board members, and create a balance between holding leadership role within a group of peers.
As pledging came to an end, I felt a mixture of relief yet excitement for what was to come. It was not difficult to get involved, as I got the opportunity to write an article for THE MASK about Chi Chapter’s involvement in Greek Week. In my article, I showcased the experiences that Brothers had during pledge week and was able to share them on a national level.
Before coming into Pharmacy school, my sister had introduced me to many Kappa Psi Brothers and I did not even realize that they would one day be my Brothers. Coming into Pharmacy school, I did not expect to get to know so many P4 Brothers. Throughout pledging and my time at UIC I was able to meet many P4 and Brothers with introductions from our current Brothers. This semester I reached out to our P4 Liaison to be sure that we are able to keep our newest alumni involved with Chi Chapter. Next year, I will continue to reach out to the alumni and be sure that they can stay well connected with our chapter. Kappa Psi creates ever-lasting bonds.
With my attendance at the upcoming MAP Assembly in Kansas City, Missouri, I am eager to meet Brothers from different chapters and alumni as I represent Chi Chapter. This is a weekend where I will be able to network with many Kappa Psi Brothers. I plan to attend GCC in the summer which will further my involvement with Kappa Psi on a national level.