Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc
Leaders in Pharmacy, Excellence in Life
Chaplain Platforms
Ashik Jayakumar
Growing up my family ingrained within me the traditions of my culture. I know traditions are supposed to be fun and enjoyable. But when I was young, I found them to be more of a bother. If I had to go do something that involved some sort of cultural and traditional events, I was hesitant. I didn’t understand why my parents wanted me to join.
But as I got older, I understood why my parents wanted me to go to each event. They wanted to pass down the traditions that they grew up with and wanted me to understand what I was a part of. They wanted me to know my roots. One of the reasons I want to be Chaplain is because I discovered how important traditions are to a culture and individuals. I want to impart upon new pledge classes the importance of traditions of Kappa Psi. Our traditions and rituals represent is what makes Kappa Psi separate from the rest. We have a duty to pass on what we have learned to future pledge classes because the traditions of Kappa Psi are the base of what gives us each a sense of belonging. Though traditions connect us to the past, we still need to think about the future. As chaplain, I would love the opportunity to potentially create something new with my fellow brothers that we can pass onto future pledge classes.
Another reason that Chaplain appeals to me is because they have historically been individuals who take on the responsibility to comfort fellow Brothers. I am someone who had hit rock bottom not too long ago. I had days where I felt as if I was walking by myself. I snapped out of this eventually. With the experience of knowing what it feels like to be alone, I decided I didn’t want anyone else to have that same feeling if I could help it.
We are all in pharmacy school and we spend hours upon hours in the same building, looking at notes, and studying. Everyone has other responsibilities too including work, family, research, etc. We all end up being stressed and sometimes do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know what it feels like to be constantly lost and I want to be able to use my position of Chaplain to cheer up those around me. I know it can be hard for some to open up and trust others and ask for help. I can say for anyone that I see is sad, stressed, mad, annoyed, whatever the emotions that they are feeling I will be there for them.
I used to train competitively in powerlifting, and I spent a lot of time learning discipline and self-improvement. A couple weeks after I got injured my strength training coach gave me the autonomy to train and coach individuals between the ages of 14-16. I was able to assist these individuals in the sport and able to provide three of them with the courage to stand on stage and compete with others as well. I was able to inspire them to take a step that they did not believe that they could take, and I believe I can do the same here if given the opportunity to be a mentor to future pledge classes. I believe that the next generation always has the potential to be better than the last, but that does not happen organically. The next generation needs to be pushed to greater heights to improve and grow what has been built and is currently being built at UIC COP and within Kappa Psi.
One of the main roles as being part of the board for Kappa Psi is the interaction with the GCD faculty. I am currently the vice president of my student body council. This has given me the rare opportunity to interact with the faculty advisors of SFRC and voice the concerns of the student body. However, being on SFRC has allowed me to see both sides of UIC COP. With this experience, I have been able to express the concerns of the students to the faculty and vice versa. Another major responsibility I have as Vice-President is setting up the bi annual SFRC Forums for my class. This has given me experience in working closely with my team and coordinating with faculty members as well, to ensure that the Forum runs smoothly. I believe that my role as VP has allowed me to cultivate the skills of communication, organization and collaboration which I believe are crucial for Chaplain.
I have been given the opportunity to reach out to my fellow brothers and they have each given me what they expect out of the next individual who takes upon the responsibility of Chaplain. They have also discussed with me the responsibilities, unexpected events that occurred during respective tenures, and the positives as well. I believe that I will be able to use what they have told me and go above and beyond what will be expected of me if given the opportunity to serve as Chaplain.
If elected to this position I strive to be someone our brothers can come to if they are distressed as well as someone who can uphold the rituals of Kappa Psi. I want to work closely with my fellow Executive Board Members and other brothers on any suggestions and ideas on new traditions that we can create. I know that taking upon this role is a huge responsibility which requires me to dedicate my time in learning all the rituals we hold along with the curriculum which is required of me. What we learn during the pledging process always is more than what is presented at face value. I know I will be able to convey to the future pledge class the purpose and meanings of the actions that are required of them during the pledging process. Expressing to them the purpose of our traditions and rituals will help them to feel the same sense of belonging I feel when I am with my brothers. We all joined a lifelong brotherhood and I would love the opportunity to share my belief that it is up to each and every one of us to pick our brothers back up if they fall.
Elaine Trinh
Kappa Psi holds a special place in my heart because I had the honor to be a part of this organization for over a year now and that I am humbled that KY holds themselves very highly for high ideals and professionalism. I want to serve as Chaplain for this Chapter because I want to be a part of preserving, executing, and teaching the Fraternity’s Rituals for the Brothers. I would enjoy helping alongside the Eboard to create a memorable Pledging season and also to honor the graduates of 2020 during the cording ceremony. Looking at the fraternity as a whole, I am so proud of each individual Brother and their own personal accomplishments; and as Chaplain, I would like to celebrate that. I would use the Chaplain role to really highlight each person and uplift our teamwork and camaraderie that we share. With my energetic yet thoughtful personality, I hope that I can encourage a lot of participation in our Fraternity but also ensure that everyone’s comments and concerns are being heard.
One quality that I have that fits well with the Chaplain position is that I have a bright energy that gives me a lot of motivation to get my responsibilities done. I fall into many dynamics of the fraternity, from being a team player in our divided teams, to the holistic representation of being a Chi Chapter Delegate during the Fall MAP assembly. I also helped organize Philanthropy Event in the committee for Fall Assembly by organizing a comfort card making for patients and caregivers residing in IMD Guest Housing. Within the Fraternity, I enjoy all the competitions we host during pledging season from Pledge Olympic games to participating in Greek Week events. Even with my lighthearted competitive spirit, I feel that it still gave me a discipline that bridges myself between goals and accomplishments. I learned a great deal from working as an Extern currently while upholding my responsibilities as a student and also being a supportive role in my organizations. One major lesson I learned is that that sometimes when I do not have control of the situation, I can still control my attitude towards it, and that is one quality that I would stress as a Chaplain. I would also devote my time to serve and perform the supportive roles as Chaplain.
As we embark onto the new pledging year, I will be ready to take on the supportive and logistic role before, during, and after the pledging season. We incorporated different and new ideas into the pledging process in the past year and I would work alongside the Eboard to create changes for the best interest of the Chapter. I want to create a memorable P4 ritual and dinner, organize ritual workshops to educate our Brothers and for future Brothers. Furthermore, I would be willing to step up and assist any Eboard member that needs help or planning. I want to also create a Philanthropy Committee that works closely with Professional Chair that focuses on setting up food drives, volunteer trips to food pantries, local runs and walks, and even work with IMD Guest Housing. I hope that the works of the committee will allow the Brothers to impact others on a broader spectrum. I also want to continue to get Brothers excited for birthdays and Brother shoutouts through GBMs. I want to also continue Fun Gear for the Brothers and to also include more seasonal and practical items such as pop-sockets, stickers, and blankets.