Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc
Leaders in Pharmacy, Excellence in Life
Society Kappa Psi
1879 - 1898
The Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity was founded on May 30, 1879 at the New Haven Collegiate and Commercial Institute. It was initially called the “Society Kappa Psi.” The New Haven Collegiate Institute was started in 1833 but was later to become the Russell Military Academy. Atthis time, Greek letter organizations were highly secretive and were only known about by their respective members. The Alpha Chapter was started by F. Harvey Smith in 1896 and was organized at New Haven. The first chapter officers were Grand A (Grand Regent), F. Harvey Smith; Grand O (Grand Vice-Regent), Preston W. Eldridge, Jr; Grand Secretary and Tresurer, Lewis Bishop; and Grand Historian, Lewis Oakley.
Kappa Psi Fraternity
1989 – 1924
The fraternity was incorporated in 1903 to give it legal status. The incorporators were Dr. Meredith Samuel, Dr. James Dawson Reeder, Frederick H. Meyer, Lawrence Jorgenson, and Preston W. Eldridge Jr. The objects of the Fraternity in its corporate application described, “The objects or purposes for which and for any which the corporation is founded are to conduct a mutual fraternal organization having for its object the mutual educational and social advancement of its members and to this end to unite in fraternal union persons of good character and sound mental health by conferring upon them certain degrees which shall exemplify industry, sobriety, mutual education and advancement both in the study of medicine and pharmacy-to assist the faculty of the colleges, universities, or other educational institutions in which it is, or shall be established, in promoting such studies and in any or every way whatsoever advance their interests.”
The organization was split into two different entities in 1924. By mutual agreement, the pharmacy group retained the name Kappa Psi Fraternity while the new medical fraternity became known as Theta Kappa Psi. The corporate name was changed to Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Inc. in 1925.
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity
1925 – Present
When the reorganization of the Fraternity took place in 1925, there were twenty seven active collegiate chapters. Most of the chapter was large, stable and prosperous. Growth within the Fraternity was significant. That would change after the 1928 Grand Council Convention when depression and war almost destroyed the Fraternity. There would only be one Grand Council Convention between 1928 and 1947, with that one meeting taking place three weeks after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December of 1941. During the war enrollment levels dropped considerably and many chapters were forced to become inactive. After the war, returning GIs filled many pharmacy schools to maximum capacity, resulting in a great period of growth for the Fraternity.
Today, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity has over 90,000 members across 155 chapters with 90 Collegiate chapters and 65 Graduate chapters across the United States, Canada, and the Bahamas. Increasing annual membership has not only made Kappa Psi the most popular pharmaceutical fraternity but also the largest. As the first national pharmaceutical fraternity, Kappa Psi has acquired thousands of members who are actively practicing in many facets of pharmacy. Many prominent individuals in the profession, both locally and nationally, are members of Kappa Psi. Known as an international professional fraternity, Kappa Psi strives to promote the field of pharmacy through the benefits of fraternal affiliation and innovation.
The cornerstones of the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity are Fellowship, Industry, Sobriety, and High Ideals. These four values distinguish a member of Kappa Psi and hold each member to a higher standard. As members of Kappa Psi, other individuals in the pharmacy profession expect only the best from us.
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity X Chapter
The X Chapter is part of the Mid-America Province which includes:
Pi – Purdue University
Rho – Unversity of Kansas
Chi – University of Illinois at Chicago
Beta Upsilon – Butler University in Indiana
Gamma Theta – University of Missouri Kansas City
Gamma Pi – Saint Louis College of Pharmacy
Delta Nu – Midwestern University at Downers Grove
Epsilon Rho – University of Illinois Rockford
Epsilon Upsilon - Roosevelt University College of Pharmacy