Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc
Leaders in Pharmacy, Excellence in Life
P4 Liaison Platforms
Jenna Sapasap
I want to serve in this officer role because throughout my years here at pharmacy school and my involvement within Kappa Psi, I have realized there are changes I would like to see through. I want to continue to build on the efforts we are working on to improve the quality and address the issues that currently plague our chapter. This role will allow me to continue to serve the chapter to be a voice for my peers. Giving Brothers more opportunities to improve their clinical skills and ability to mentor underclassmen as their littles will help with leadership skills that I would like people to take advantage of. There are many opportunities within the fraternity, that when strengthened, will allow members to see the value in the organization. With a larger chapter like ours, people tend to "fall through the cracks." I want to alleviate this because I want Brothers to realize the benefits of participation within the fraternity and to strengthen their pride in being a Brother of Kappa Psi as I have grown to realize myself.
I believe my past involvement within the chapter as well as on a regional and national level have provided me the experiences that make me qualified for this position. As a current P3, I have served and sat on this eboard for the past 2 years. And although at the beginning of my term I felt very overwhelmed, confused and unprepared, my experiences since then have helped shape my views and understanding of the organization as well the profession of pharmacy in general. Attendance at multiple MAP assemblies have provided me the experience of how leadership is ran outside of our chapter. More importantly, as the past leadership symposium attendee, I have met so many amazing Brothers from all over the nation, many if not all/most, were current leaders in their own chapters. Hearing about how other chapters operate and learning from the issues they've had allows me to see how we can improve our chapter to strengthen our bond as Brothers and involvement within our community as healthcare professionals.
If elected to this position, I hope to instill the same leadership skills that I have learned and help next year's eboard grow. Part of strengthening an eboard committee is making sure that there is effective communication. Eboard meetings are an important tool for us to discuss issues within the chapter and work to solve them. As leaders of the organization, we hold the platform to be the voice for our Brothers. I plan to work with the members of the fraternity to help raise and express concerns and work to solve these issues. I hope as P4 liaison I can continue to be a voice for the members of the fraternity to effectively communicate amongst each other.
In addition, I hope to work with the alumni chair to work on strengthening the bond between active brothers and alumni. With a current 1% graduate retention rate, there is more than enough room for improvement. Part of my plan to improve retention is to work with alumni chair to invest time in P4s and recent alumni. P4s are the closest to alumni and by building an infrastructure that allows for the flexibility of participation will hopefully open the door to alumni retention. I will work to consult members of my class to gauge how to keep their interest in the organization and give them opportunities for involvement. Alumni serve an important role in networking as well as growth for underclassmen and I hope to allow them to inspire our newest members.
Donny Lee
I consider a chapter officer role in Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. as a privilege and an honor for any KY brother to serve in; I view KY officer positions with the highest regard since they're an instrumental part in continuing the traditions and brotherhood set by those who came before us in Kappa Psi. From coordinating pledging season to instilling the fraternity's values, the executive board is tasked in the sustainability of Kappa Psi at UIC College of Pharmacy.
Ultimately, I want to leave a legacy behind in Kappa Psi - not just as a brother to many or as an intermediary between the fourth-year students and the KY chapter, but as a vital asset to the executive board. I wish to assist in enriching the chapter through any means.
Immediate Past Pledge Dad - Strong paternal skills.
Brother - I have 3 years experience of being a brother.
Matt Wong's Best Friend - As Immediate Past Regent's best friend, I've acquired many Matt Wong mannerisms. I hope to impersonate him at all eboard meetings and social functions to bolster our brotherhood.
Involvement and retention of our fourth-year and graduate brothers is often an issue our Grand Council Deputies struggle with and if chosen as a P4 liaison, I'll invest my time in combating this issue by continually involving them in chapter activities and networking the our fourth-year brothers with other brothers from other chapters. Finding commonality with APPE students from other schools while on rotations help to reinforce the extensiveness of KY brotherhood.
I also hope to maintain a strong presence in chapter activities as a P4 liaison to emphasize to pledges and neophytes that KY involvement doesn't end P3 year, but is for life.