Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc
Leaders in Pharmacy, Excellence in Life
Webmaster Platforms
Alyssa Wu
10 years ago, there is an on-line platform named, Wretch, going viral. I started to build my personal websites to share my life, and my opinions toward. I could build the website in anyway I liked, and I found it quiet intriguing, especially when I realized I could impact the world and have a voice through my personal website. Hence, I’d like to be the Webmaster for Kappa Psi.
Being a part of Kappa Psi, I actively participate in every activity I am able to. I was in Greek week committee to host one of the events. And I am always there whenever my brother needs me, or ask for help. I also like to be artistic that I was able to win the best pledgebook of the year during my pledge year. And I believe my skills can let me do this job well.
If I am elected as Webmaster, I will promote our website through Facebook, and post more pictures of our events on the website, regularly update the news and embellish the looking of our website.